Podcast in Danish with the crew from Third Ear, a renowned podcast agency. In these series, scientists dream to a future in 2049 where their science have made a breakthrough.
Long talk podcast with Nick Jikomes from Mind and Matter, touching on positron emission tomography, anxiety, ocd, microdosing, neural networks and receptor occupancy.Can microdosing psilocybin, the compound in magic mushrooms, aid mental health? -MedicalNewsToday.comDanish article: Ny forskning tyder på, at dansk rapper har ret: Indtil nu har forskningen afvist påstanden om, at små doser af psykedelika kan have en positiv effekt, men på Syddansk Universitet viser nye resultater, at der kan være noget om snakken. -Jyllands-Posten.dkDanish article: Den tripfri version af LSD, tak! -Weekend-avisen.dkDanish article: Kan man aflære angst? Ny forskning viser, hvor hjernen gemmer din værste frygt, og hvordan du kan reducere den. -Videnskab.dkDanish article: Kan psykedeliske svampe virkelig behandle sygdomme, eller er det »ren magi«? – Videnskab.dkDR2 – På syretrip med Peter Lund Madsen – Danish national television is visiting the lab in this documentary about Danish research in psychedelic drugs
Danish TV station Kosmopol is visiting the lab and talking about psilocybin mushrooms
Publication from Kosmopol about the research in psilocybin mushrooms Link